Saturday, December 20, 2014

1/2 way (& the Anatomy Scan).

As the title reads...I am 1/2 way done with this pregnancy!

No im not 20 weeks, I am 19.  However with the twins I will only carry to at most 38 weeks, so therefore I really am 1/2 way done, or maybe even more- we'll just have to see!

I feel like the last 6 weeks or so have just flown by, prior to that I felt like there was no way i could make it until May and just wanted to time warp and get this over with! Now I don't actually mind being pregnant since my sickness is basically gone and my energy is back, but we shall see what I say about that in 2 months when my belly is in the way of everything!

So lets move onto the Anatomy Scan....

  For those of you not familiar with that term, its basically just the big ultrasound you do at roughly 20 weeks to check everything on the baby, or in my sense- babies.   This helps them determine if there are any abnormalities with any of their organs, limbs, face, etc.  They also take a lot of measurements to make sure baby is up to par.   So here's just kind of a brief of what happened, we're starting with Baby B.

   Baby B (our little girl) is basically perfect in every way!  Her head and abdomen are about the same size, her legs and arms look great and she has all 10 fingers and 10 toes!  Her insides are also looking great, 4 chamber heart, 2 kidneys, bladder, stomach, not too much fluids in her brain, etc.  Her placenta is posterior, which means its on the back of my uterus and she is in front.  She is currently laying transversely across the top of my belly and they estimated she weighs about 10 ounces and is exactly where she should be at this stage!

   Baby A (our little man) is also bascially perfect in everyway! His head is a bit bigger than his sisters, but still right on track,  he also has 10 fingers and 10 toes and his Daddy's nose. (We get 3D ultrasounds each time so we get an idea of what babies actually look like, its really cool).  All of his insides look great as well.  He is estimated to weigh about 9 ounces.
   He however does have one stupid abnormality...with his umbilical cord.  A normal umbilical cord has 1 vein and 2 arteries, he has something called Single Umbilical Artery (SUA), so as the title indicates, he has 1 vein and 1 artery.  Apparently its super super common, and even more so among multiples pregnancies, they dont know why.   Our specialist told us its nothing we should be worried about, but how do I not worry? Seriously. I'm growing the cutest little man in my belly and then they tell me that there's something wrong with his umbilical cord....what the hell? Why is this even a thing?
   Anyway, so I have to have ultrasounds every 4 weeks to not only watch the growth of the babies in general, but to now pay closer attention to our little man. If for some reason he stops growing at the same rate as his sister, or they see anything else wrong they will have to deliver the babies early.  I'm trying to just think positive and not worry because this is so common and so many babies are born without problems, but I'm his Mom and I cant help by have this little worry inside my head.  Blah I just need a nice vacation away from my head, or Orem...that works too! (Someone tell my husband)

  So guys if you caught their weights I have over a pound of baby in me already! Singleton pregnancies dont usually get this way for another month or so! Anyway there's that, now here's some pictures for you to enjoy (and proof that inside my teeny baby bump there are actually 2 babes growing);

Baby Boy's creepy alien face

Baby Boy's arms

Baby Girls profile (kind of, its skewed)

Baby Girls legs & feet

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

(Early) Second Trimester.

My second trimester has started off, lets say interesting.  There are already pros and cons even though I'm only a month or so in. Seriously, its going to be a long pregnancy. Be forewarned, this post might be just a lot of complaining, I have to vent somewhere.

 I will not even try to sugar coat this; I hate being pregnant.  It is miserable, exhausting, and frustrating. I feel bad saying this because I know there are women who want to be pregnant more than anything (that was me only a few months ago). But honestly, its the worst thing ever and I cannot wait until its over.

 My sickness has definitely decreased, I've traded constant nausea and vomiting for acid reflux but its a lot more manageable, just pass me the TUMS.

 The most exciting thing so far was finding out the genders of "Baby A" and "Baby B" and finally being able to put names to the cute little faces I see on all of my ultrasounds!
In case you were curious, yes we found out the genders really early! Baby A is our little boy, and we knew his gender at 12 weeks (its hard to hide the little boy parts, not to mention he's not all).
Also at 12 weeks our Maternal-Fetal Specialist thought Baby B was a girl but thanks to the umbilical cord being in the way we couldnt tell quite yet,it actually took a few ultrasounds and at 16 weeks Baby B finally showed us her goods and gave the confirmation we were looking for- "Its a girl!"

 We are both really excited to be welcoming a baby girl and a baby boy into our family, the best of both worlds right?

 My pregnancy brain is kicking in pretty hardcore sometimes, I forget how to do my job sometimes , I forget to bring my puppies inside at night (until they start barking), I'm misplacing things all the time...and the list goes on.
 And the hormones, those have finally decided to arrive and affect my emotions. I cry over nothing, worry that I'm going to be a terrible mom-which makes me cry even more, I've yelled at Daniel over things that I've done wrong (sorry babe), and get annoyed of things way easier than I have in the past.  I'm just an emotional roller coaster over here, and I can't really do much about.

 My heart beats SO hard trying to get blood to my babies, it freaks me out and sometimes I really think I'm going to have a heart attack its beating so hard!

 I'm gaining weight like no one business, averaging a pound a week from week 1, so that'll give you an idea how much I've gained.  My doctor says I'm right on track though, so I guess there's nothing to worry about except maybe the fact that I'm gaining a pound a week and am having anxiety about it! Basically, I'm going to be freaking huge by the end of this.

  With the weight gain, it has to go somewhere and that somewhere is my belly! My belly started poking out a teeny bit around 11 weeks, around 15 weeks it was just a teeny bit bigger...then 16 weeks hit and I have tripled in size since last week. These babies are growing like weeds!  It honestly TERRIFIES me to know I am growing 2 babies, but there's no turning back now- this is happening!

  With the growing belly comes some slight problems. First off my pants (and even some of my leggings) no longer fit and I have officially graduated into maternity pants. Honestly though, they are the most comfortable things ever, I should've started wearing these weeks ago!
The next little problem, is round ligament pain, which is seriously PAINFUL, just think extreme growing pains in the bottom part of your abdomen...its not fun!  I can't do much to make it go away other than sleep it out.

 I feel like I eat a lot, an extra 500 calories/day seems like a lot of food for me at times, especially since my stomach feels tiny and can't hold anything!  I have some minor food cravings;  I notice I crave both spicy foods and really sweet foods (chocolate). This may be due to the fact that I'm growing babies of opposite genders and they both want their momma to eat different things....I'm just going with that story.  The bad thing is everything spicy & chocolate kicks up my acid reflux and makes me feel like garbage. Thanks babies, thanks.

 Overall although I am having a miserable time being pregnant, I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to finally be a mom. For a while there I thought I would never get pregnant and that I was being punished for placing a baby for adoption when I was younger. We are not religious people but I know our families and some friends were praying for us to get pregnant, and who knows; maybe those prayers were what helped?