Tuesday, November 11, 2014

First Trimester.

Since I'm in the last week of my first trimester, I figured I'd share a few highs and lows of the last few months!

The first two months were rough, I was tired all of the time.  It seemed like no matter what I did I was tired.  I would come home from work around 4, take a nap until 6 and then go to bed again around 9! I usually can't sleep if I take a nap that late in the day, but for the first few months all I wanted to do was sleep! Thankfully within the last month I've been able to get by without my after work nap, but I've still been going to bed around 9, I feel like such an old lady!

As some of you may have seen on my Facebook, I have been sick! When I get sick, I get REALLY sick.  Just think, non stop nausea, constant vomiting and food aversions (meaning I can't eat or smell certain things without running to the bathroom needing to vomit). I have cried so many times because no matter what I do it doesn't seem to get any better, and I honestly think its getting worse the more pregnant I become!  Heaven help me, its going to be a long 9 months!
To try and help my sickness I have taken Diclegis & Zofran, both worked for a little while but then stopped (I guess my body got used to them). I've drank Ginger Ale & Sprite to the point where I hope I never drink them again (thats a lie, I have a bottle of ginger ale in my fridge).  I even made my husband to go the store for me the other night to buy me anything that he thought would help, I ended up with Lemon Ginger Herbal tea and Lemon Drop candies.   They both help keep my stomach in tact for a while, but nothing lasts.   I need to start trying some of the ideas you all gave me on Facebook!

With my being constantly tired and sick my house has suffered, I seriously did not do laundry for a month and the dishes? Ha yeah right!   Thankfully I have a bit more energy now and my house is staying clean (plus I have clean clothes again).

So enough for the lows, lets talk about the highs of my first trimester!

I had my first real doctors visit (outside of the Fertility Center), and honestly after seeing my doctor I am terrified to be having twins!  He told me that I will be put on bed rest (or as he called it, house arrest) at some point near the end of my pregnancy. He also wants me to gain 50-60 pounds! Oh my gosh! ahh! The goal is to get to 38 weeks and then I will deliver, I'm keeping my fingers crossed I don't have a C-section but I'm preparing to have one, just in case.
To keep my babies healthy I have to take Prenatals, Folic Acid & Iron pills, and I have to see not only my normal doctor, but an OB and a Maternal-Fetal Specialist! Basically, I'm going to have a million doctors appointments between now and May (I have 3 in the month of November). It'll be an interesting 6 months!

My belly, yes its starting to grow, but No its not even at all worth showing you all yet! I know I know, I have a ton of friends pregnant with their 2nd baby right now who's bellies are popping and I'm sure you are all wondering where mine is, since you know- I'm having twins (and its technically my 2nd pregnancy).  Trust me, I'm asking myself the same thing! I honestly thought that I was going to look pregnant by the end of October, but instead I'm stuck in the fat stage (the stage where you aren't sure if someone is pregnant or just ate a few too many french fries).  But don't worry ladies, come 37 weeks my belly will probably be twice the size of yours, so don't be jealous that I'm hardly showing now!

So the most exciting thing (to us) is that we got to have not 1, but 3 ultrasounds in the last few weeks! I am so ecstatic about this because with my first pregnancy I only had 1 ultrasound at 18 weeks, so the fact I get to watch my babies grow through a little monitor is AMAZING!    I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks (which is when we found out about the twins), one at 9 weeks, and then my most recent one was at 12 weeks! My next is at 18 weeks and then I have one every month there after, we have to make sure the babies are growing at the same rate!  Its so amazing to watch how quickly the babies grow and change, it makes my heart happy seeing them!

Both babies look fantastic, they both have all 4 limbs, strong heartbeats and are growing just like they should be!  In my ultrasound pictures one of the babies always looks bigger than the other one, but in reality they are just about the same size! Also baby B is kind of a butthead, he/she is upside down and facing away from us so its harder to see her/him.

The Twins are Fraternal, which means they come from 2 separate eggs (and you can tell in my ultrasound pictures because they are in 2 sacs). they could look alike but not any more alike than just siblings born at different times.  Thankfully fraternal twins have less complications than Identical twins since they have their own nutrient supply (aka placenta).

Baby B at 9 weeks
Baby A at 9 weeks
Baby A at 12 weeks

Baby B at 12 weeks

As I mentioned, my next ultrasound isn't until 18 weeks, but at that time we will know genders and make sure everything is good with the babies! (Confession; the doctor that did our ultrasounds at 12 weeks may have told us what the gender of Baby A is, and a good guess on Baby B. But since we aren't 100% sure yet we are keeping it a secret).

Anyway, I'm excited to say "peace" to the first trimester and hope that although I have a growing belly that my second trimester is easier than the first one has been, I will let you know!

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