Sunday March 22 I had noticed my belly looked a little odd, the bottom half was kind of deflated looking but I didn't think much of it, I figured that Hudson had just moved further back and that was why. So I ignored it.
I had been fighting a cold the last week, so I was coughing all the time and my nose was completely clogged up. When you're pregnant your bladder basically gives up and every single time I would cough I would pee my pants a bit (I know, gross). Sunday night I had been peeing a bit more than normal, but again didn't think anything of it and went to bed.
Throughout that night I was having some contraction like pains once in a while, but since everything on my body hurt I again, ignored it and just slept through the weird pains in my lower belly area.
Monday March 23, the contraction like pains I had been having throughout the night got a little bit stronger and a bit closer together. I had also continued to pee my pants more than normal and honestly just figured my bladder had had enough pressure on it that it was just done. So I of course figured these contractions out to just be Braxton Hicks, and the liquid was still just pee. However I decided to start tracking them, really just for the hell of it.
Just after 8 am I started my contraction tracking, I just recorded the time the contraction started and how long it lasted. I would then include how many minutes were between each one. I tracked for 1 hour and it looked like this:
8:14 AM - 16 seconds
8:22 AM- 46 seconds (8 min apart)
8:35 AM- 36 seconds (13 min apart)
8:40 AM- 40 seconds (5 min apart)
8:49 AM- 29 seconds (9 min apart)
9:07 AM- 56 seconds (18 min apart)
9:15 AM- 56 seconds (8 min apart)
Okay, so do you see why I thought they were just Braxton hicks? They weren't regular by any means but I remember reading somewhere that if you have more than 5 contractions in a hour to call your Doctor. So I did. Of course it was his day off so I wasn't able to speak to him, thats when I decided to go to the hospital, just to get monitored and figure out if these were actual contractions, and if they were see if they could stop them.
We get to the hospital around 9:45 AM, I get into my super fancy hospital gown and they strap 2 heartbeat monitors and a contraction monitor to my belly, after a little while it was determined that I am in fact having real contractions. Once I mentioned I thought I had lost my mucous plug that morning they decided to run a couple of tests to see if my water had ruptured. Sure enough, it had.
I immediately started bawling, and the nurses called my doctor to see what he wanted to do.
At roughly 1 PM my doctor decided to have an ultrasound done to check the fluids around Baby A (the one with the ruptured water), so they wheeled me down to Maternal-Fetal medicine to get checked out. While I was having an ultrasound done my contractions started to really kick in. I would cry through every one of them because they started to hurt so bad. The Maternal-Fetal specialist confirmed again that Baby A's water had broken and there were 2 options; I either have the babies or we could put me on antibiotics and hospital bed rest to keep me pregnant for another 2 weeks. She however thought that based on the pain level of my contractions and the fact I was already dilated to a 4 that these babies were coming that day.
Once I got back into my room I was really hurting, my contractions were getting stronger and closer together, and I turned into a baby. I cried and whined through each of them, until they finally got me an epidural. They also gave me a steroid shot to help mature the babies lungs a little bit more before delivery. We were hoping it would be in my system for a while to really help them out.
Then 4:30 PM came and my doctor came back to check to see how far I had dilated. Because my water had ruptured they keep the checking to a bare minimum to avoid risk of infection to the babies. Anyway, so this was my 2nd check and I was dilated to a 10 and Baby A was ready to come out.
They wheeled me to the OR and after about 10 minutes of pushing Hudson Mack was born at 4:48 PM weighing 4 lb 3 oz and was 17 inches long. He was perfect, I immediately fell in love with this cute little man sitting on my chest.
After a whole 5 minute break I got back to pushing, and at 5:04 PM Hannah Paige decided to also join this world weighing 4 lb 3 oz and was 18.5 inches long. Hannah decided to come out face up so her little eyes got bruised, she also needed vacuum assistance which resulted in a funky circle and another bruise on her head. I honestly thought she was so ugly when I first saw her. Don't worry, she got cute really fast.
Right after each baby was born I was only able to see and hold them for a few seconds before they took them into a prep room and then into the NICU. Daniel was able to go with them, but I went back to the delivery room where I had been before. After about 45 minutes ( I think) I was finally brought to the NICU to see my little babies, they were both on CPAP machines for their breathing and had IV's, tubes, and lines coming out of their little bodies. But I was immediately in love. These are MY babies and they are perfect.
So thats it, thats the story of how Hannah & Hudson joined this world at 32+1 weeks gestation. Enjoy the pictures from the past few days, and expect another post from me soon talking about their first week in the NICU.
Last bump pic- Saturday March 21 |
Hannah in prep room after delivery |
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Hannah right after delivery |
Hudson Mack, 1 day old |
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