Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Month 3.

Its been a while since I've posted, but honestly finding time to sit and write a blog post, let alone sit and do anything has been damn near impossible.

Lets just cut to the chase...twins are REALLY hard.

I had quite a few twin parents tell me that twins are really hard, but nothing could have prepared us for the madness that is twins. Seriously you guys, its so hard. I don't know how people handle more than 2 babies, 1 is a cake walk compared to this and any more I'd be running out the door.

I complained about my pregnancy and how crappy/hard it was, but sitting here with two screaming babies makes me wish they were still in my belly. I don't know how I'm surviving this, I don't know how anyone does this. It really feels impossible sometimes.

Today was a rough day, the twins did not nap for longer than 10 minutes at a time, and they did this maybe 3 times today. I am tired, stressed, sad, and frustrated.  I feel like I'm failing as a mom because my babies cry for longer than they probably should before I can get to them, they don't get their diapers changed as soon as they poop, nor do they get new clothes every time they spit up all over themselves.  I can't hold them both at the same time very easily, so I feel like one is being neglected when the other is being tended to.  

I'm losing my mind.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my babies, they are the best thing thats happened to me, but right now they are also the worst. They're at a stage where they want to play but aren't able to play with toys or with each other, so its just me and Daniel trying to keep them entertained and even then they only last so long before they're bored.   They just need to get a little bit bigger so they can entertain themselves (and I really mean just a LITTLE bit bigger).

Daniel helps most of the time, but he also works graveyards and so its all me, by myself EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT (well 5/7 nights per week).  This is probably the hardest time.  I'm already tired and worn out from a long days work, I generally don't get a nap when I come home, I sometimes  don't even shower and then when I do try and sleep I end up waking up every 3-4 hours to tend to them.  Thankfully though they are starting to sleep for longer stretches of time (sometimes up to 6 hours), and Daniel is switching to a better shift next week. But seriously, the last 2 months have been HARD!

The things that make this all worth it are the smiles they give when they see me in the morning, when they curl up in little balls next to me and sleep, or when I just look at how gorgeous they are and am proud that I made them.

Being a mom is hard, there is literally not one easy thing about it, but its worth it.

Now enjoy some pictures of these little babies that have stolen my heart (and my hair):

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